Sunday, October 19

Status: single

It is interesting. I have a friend who most definitely would react upon seeing a change of status or information on Facebook/Myspace. She would overreact upon seeing her ex's status change from single to it's complicated. Mainly she thinks that he has found another significant other. Then she has to find out everything, meaning every dirty detail, and labels the mystery girl: 'little bitch'. Keeping her grudge until she feels no threat, she lets her emotions rule her in her actions and her words. Act. Don't react.

DestroTheBiggaFigga from "Generation-Hiphop"
wrote an eye-opening post the other day regarding social networks. He said:

"Are you serious? Why? A social networking site doesn't dictate 100% reality. You can change things, add things, make up completely false information or whatever. Anybody have any bad stories that essentially as a result of a Facebook/Myspace dispute?"

Though my trivial story is not as drastic as murder in DestroTheBiggaFigga's post, it proves the same point that it doesn't dictate 100% reality and there are unnecessary situations due to a social network dispute.

And I fully agree. Instead of spending hours in front the computer, face-to-face contact is the best way to sort things out or create new relationships. There is still the possibility of making up false information in person, but at least we have a basic understanding of the person. It's easy to just sit behind the computer and post loving comments or an eye-catching status. And the status of a person's love life and everything that is published is not always necessarily true. When you're online, you can adapt and be anyone you want to be, and no one will know. You can disclose anything about yourself on the sites. Thinking about it, it seems pretty dangerous because the majority of us are a part of Facebook/Myspace. And you know that once we change our status, everyone will know. Everyone will see it in the news feed and mini-feed. We just have to be able to draw the line between reality and the virtual world.


Anke said...

SO true! I like using facebook but it is absurdly entertaining and meanwhile ridiculous how people present their relationships on their! "X and Y are no longer listed as in a relatonship anymore!". All of your friends can see it and yet, the couple actually seems to like the attention they're getting!
Don't we already display enough personal information about ourselves on the internet?! Do we now also have to inform all of our gazillion (*cough*) facebook friends about our current relationship status and keep it updated with "it's complicated and stuff"? It only contributes to all the gossip going on in the real world already!
Generally awesome blog topic in general! Do you think about keep writing even when the assignments are over?

Bianca.Samantha said...

I think it's really interesting that you write a blog about this topic because it is so true. Unfortunately face to face communication is starting to slowly slip away as things like "comments" and "messages" because more and more popular.

When it comes to the status situation though, again unfortunately i can relate again. I know that if I'm dating a guy and he doesn't change his status to in a relationship, I start to freak out on an internal basis. Also, I have an ex boyfriend in particular that I still care about and I know that if i ever saw his status change from "single" to "in a relationship" I would have a little mini panic attack. It sucks that this is what the world has come down to but what can we do? I think we should keep our status's private because isn't ignorance bliss? What we don't know can't kill us...

Bianca.Samantha said...

I think it's really interesting that you write a blog about this sitution because of how true it is. It is so unfortunate to me that alot of face to face communication is lost because of the ever growing popular "comments" and "messages" on Myspace. With these kind of technological advances, why would we need to talk face to face anymore. Places like myspace and facebook help us to communicate with people that we normally wouldn't in our actual lives and I think that's kind of sad.

On the topic of our status's though, I can't help but laugh when I read your blog because again, how true it is. I, myself, have fallen victim to checking people's status. If my boyfriend didn't change his status to "in a relationship" of course it would bother me. I also have to admit I'm known to keep an eye on the status of my ex- boyfriend and I have to admit that if I ever saw his status change from "single" to "in a relationship" I definitly wouldn't be happy. It sucks that life is like that but what can we do? I agree when you say that we should keep our status's private. Ignorance is bliss, I have to say. And what I don't know, won't kill me.

Anonymous said...

Very true!!!! I toatally agree with you! Facebook and myspace have become so popular now that that what most people do on their free time. I must admit, I used to check the whole status thing when I dated a guy, and I would become upset if he did not change it to " In a Realtionship", It sort of made me feel, like ok I am not acknoweleged??? But then again Im like ok this is just myspace get over it...and I actually talked to him about it, and he's like "I didnt even realize and he changed it...I guess girls tend to be more critical about what information is displayed.