Thursday, October 23

Toll is 4 dollars ..

Friends. Party. Club.
Rewind and repeat.
What happened to family, school, or sleep?

All I can say is that once you're in the industry, goodbye sleep. You have to be at every event and every meeting. You not only have to go to the parties your group is throwing, but even the ones that the group is hosting. Lastly you have to promote on the days that other groups are throwing parties. In a way, you could avoid it through excuses of tending to family or school needs. However it really doesn't look good to the CEO. And in return, he would ask us where our dedication and commitment went. And let me tell you, the timing that we have to attend the events really cut into the time you could instead be sleeping. I would be going home in the late AMs, or worse, not even at all.

Partying takes such a toll on the body. And in adding to the lack of sleep, we get involved with alcohol, drugs, and such. I would have to admit it is extremely fun for the most part, but it really affects us in the long run. I remember two semesters back when I first joined. It was a new experience, so of course, I got caught up with it. I messed up. I stopped going to school. I barely even saw my family, and I would always be kicking back during the day and partying again at night. In other words, it became a routine. It was a horrible nightmare. I felt like I was a music track on repeat. And in no time, I was finding myself falling asleep with every chance I got. I was such a disappointment, not only to myself but to my family and friends as well.

Beware. The sacrifices for temporary happiness takes a toll on our permanent one.

School. Sleep. Friends.
Rewind and Repeat.


Daniel said...

Wow, so much partying for you. So is this like a job you do? Where you promote clubs and such? And do your CEOs care that there's like alcohol (or if there's under age people) and drugs for one, or are they sort of like whatever? Just curious as to how these club events work.

kaleena said...

It is lots of partying. I guess you could call it a job, but I'm not in it for the money. I'm mostly in it for partying and meeting lots of new people.
We promote club events, not actual club places. Wow. Of course not, in fact they would actually hook us up with drinks and wristbands. Underage is no problem too, and they're all aware of what we do. Plus they're like whatever because they do it too. It's like family, they take care of us.